21 aprile 1945 liberazione di Bologna
Lajityyppi: Amateur film
Vuosi: 1945
Kesto: 00:4:00
Kuvaus: [21 April 1945, the Liberation of Bologna] 21 April 1945: images of the Liberation of Bologna shot by an amateur film-maker. Walking through crowds of trucks, soldiers on foot and soldiers with mules, tanks in Via Ugo Bassi and Via Rizzoli. A man walking arm-in-arm with an American soldier. Children and women approaching the camera until they are framed in close-up. Some women on the street smile as the camera catches them by surprise. Shots of the sky: aeroplanes in the distance. At the side of Palazzo Re Enzo, a bunch of flowers and a placard in remembrance of Giuseppe Bentivogli, a partisan from Molinella who was killed shortly before Liberation. Men, women and children at a table full of bottles.
Avainsanat: IMediaCities
Sisältölähde: Cineteca di Bologna
Oikeudet: In Copyright / For information about the rights holder please contact Cineteca di Bologna.
Väri: Black & White
Ohjaaja: Bergonzini, Luciano
Sound: Without sound
Kokoelma: Cineteca di Bologna Film Collection